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Big Ass Spider voir ce film regarder en ligne 2160p

This is a really fun film that never takes itself seriously. It's obvious that everyone in this film is having a blast and it translates well This is a really fun film that never takes itself seriously. It's obvious that everyone in this film is having a blast and it translates well to audience enjoyment. If you're looking for a funny movie that pays homage to the old-time monster films, you'd be hard pressed to find a better choice. Mike Mendez has done a great job and I hope he makes more just like this. … Expand

This movie is great. The VFX are much better than the usual stuff you see on TV. Funny as hell and tons of action from the first minute. Greg This movie is great. The VFX are much better than the usual stuff you see on TV. Funny as hell and tons of action from the first minute. Greg Grunberg (from Heroes) and his Mexican side-kick are hilarious together. Even the music was great (starts with a Pixies song!). Recommended to watch with friends while having a drink and laughing your big-ass off! … Expand

This movie is interesting and a few scenes were funny. There were a few scenes which were intense and scary too. However, the film's CGI is This movie is interesting and a few scenes were funny. There were a few scenes which were intense and scary too. However, the film's CGI is very bad. Nonetheless, this is a good movie. … Expand

While not terrible, this one could have been infinitely better. The humor falls flat most of the film, the special effects are terrible (even While not terrible, this one could have been infinitely better. The humor falls flat most of the film, the special effects are terrible (even though, they kinda are suppose to be), the acting is passable (at best) and Greg Grunberg just doesn’t have the chops to be a leading man. There’s definitely some charm to this film as it lampoons Sci-Fi films of old but it just had too many drawbacks to be the spectacular piece of satire it could have been. … Expand

Quite an interesting movie but impact on the bottom, but a little more special effects terrible but very good plot. but being sincere was the Quite an interesting movie but impact on the bottom, but a little more special effects terrible but very good plot. but being sincere was the best movie spider attack that i've seen. … Expand

While it seems like another one of those cheesy movies you have seen on SyFy with awful special effects horrible acting and with some boring While it seems like another one of those cheesy movies you have seen on SyFy with awful special effects horrible acting and with some boring scenes. However this movie was a fun watch. It starts up attempting to be funny, some gags do not work but others are good for a chuckle but it quickly goes into hunting the spider and with some likable side characters it really was not that bad of a watch. The graphics were not good but not awful either. Most importantly the movie did not take itself seriously without going over the top like Sharknado did. Overall 6/10 a B-Movie that was fun to watch. … Expand

[A gang of baby spiders attacking a women and dragging her away and the main character says this. ] Alex Mathis: "Oh no, oh dam she dead, [A gang of baby spiders attacking a women and dragging her away and the main character says this. ] Alex Mathis: "Oh no, oh dam she dead, okay guys let get out of here." That right there is some of the worst acting and the worst sentence since the masterpiece of **** that was The Room.

I don't really need to go into full detail about this movie. You can tell by the title of this movie that it's not even going to try to be good and would you know it this movie is awful, but it's so bad that it's actually pretty funny, I mean good god.

The acting is dreadful, the directing is just playing bad and effects are just terrible. This movie is so bad it's actually pretty funny, I won't lie that I laughed more then once during this movie. It's on the same level of funny and bad like The Room. … Expand